Can be used for many things in small buisnesses they can be used for E.mail, Printing, Advertising, organising data.
Computers can be vary time saving and there are loads of benifits of using computers in small buisnesses
There are hundreds of computer types that could mean you will be spending loads of time looking for the right one.
So at simply better it we could help with getting you the right one without you wasting any time
The continued efficiency of a networked computer or PC requires a secure and stable network infrastructure – which we will help you achieve. A PC with fully patched Windows XP Pro or Vista Business is generally very stable and robust provided the PC hardware it is installed on is fully supported. With low priced PC hardware today, it is cost effective to get reasonably high performance business PCs from Dell, HP, or Mesh. It is better for support to standardise on as few makes and models as possible.
General guidlines for better computer services support:
- pc selection – reasonably high specification pc from major brand with good support
- laptop use – only cost effective for mobile workforce, offsite presentations
- anti virus – ensure quality anti virus installed and centrally manged
- Windows patching – centralise routine patch management
- operating system – standardise on Windows XP Pro and Vista Business only
- office suites – standardise on Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007
- applications – standardise and version upgrade all applications, sandbox variations
- avoid non compliance – routinely scan for illegimate or problem software
- thin client – only useful for widespread use of locked down standard desktop
Although we deliver all the technical side of computer support services, it is vital that the soft skills of user training and education is given sufficient importance – if the pressure of just getting the immediate task in hand completed becomes overbearing, the protection, care and attention of a networked PC will ultimateley be compromised.
Businesses, no matter what size, are continuously impacted by the growth of the personal computer and computer networks. Due to the sheer abundance and accessibility of information online, virtually anyone can start a business. However, as online marketing grows, ignorance in the field can be devastating upon starting a business. Simply Better IT aids you upon obtaining a stable and secure network infrastructure – a open requirement for the continual efficiency of a networked computer or PC. It’s also vital that the basic skills of user training and education are given sufficient focus – if the pressure of completing the immediate task in hand becomes too overbearing, the care and attention of a networked PC will be compromised.
Fully patched Windows XP Pro or Vista Business is generally very stable and robust – provided the PC Hardware it is installed on is fully supported. It’s more cost effective to obtain reasonably high performance PCs from Dell, HP, or Mesh after considering the low price of current PC hardware – it’s also more effective to standardise on as few makes and models as possible.
Computer Technologies: –
- PC selection – reasonably high specification PC from major brand with good support
- Laptop use – only cost effective for mobile workforce, offsite presentations
- Antivirus – ensure quality anti virus installed and centrally managed
- Windows patching – centralise routine patch management
- Operating system – standardise on Windows XP Pro and Vista Business only
- Office suites – standardised on Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007
- Applications – standardise and version upgrade all applications, sandbox variations
- Avoid non compliance – routinely scan for illegitimate or problem software
- Thin client – only useful for widespread use of locked down standard desktop